Friday 27 January 2012

A moonless night…heavy downpour…and the sea at length all around. Flashes of lightening gave him glimpses of the vastness of the sea. Adding to the terror of darkness the sky roared and the ship swayed in the violent waves. Solitude was his only companion and all the others who had accompanied him were already devoured by the angry sea. All he could do was to prepare his mind for a fearless death. Completely exhausted and unaware whether he would live to see his dreams fulfilled, the young mariner sailed along.. the description might have brought to your mind Tom Hanks'  in the movie 'Cast away'. But this is not the majestic sophisticated ship that we see today. These were the simple vessels that sailed in uncharted waters taking an adventurous journey in quest of glory, fame and wealth.

Like this mariner there were men in the past, centuries back, who crossed the seas aiming the oriental shores for spices which were a royal luxury then. The mystical fragrance and the vibrant colors that once made India the central hub of trade was nothing else but spices! Being the inspiration behind trade and exploration, spices were priceless luxuries that made India a center of attraction. Foreigners were lured by the richness of this land. Merchants from Greece, Egypt, Arabia, Mesopotamia, Portugal and many other countries traveled to this wonderland exploring perilous paths, even risking their lives for want of Indian spices.
Centuries passed, but even today India is a unique name when spices are considered. We continue to be the largest producer, consumer and exporter of spices in the world. These aromatic substances are not just an item of trade or a source of revenue but a part of Indian culture and tradition.

Part of a proud legacy, there is one organization in India under the Ministry of Commerce that works for the development and worldwide promotion of spices - Spices Board of India. And here, three of us, Aneena, Dhanya and Revathy have become a part of the spices industry.


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