Wednesday 11 April 2012

Live Long- a blessing!!

'Liv Long' -a blessing!!

Live Long! Kneel down to capture in full the saintly wish transcending down the body for a great life ahead with all positive elements of life. This blessing airs goodness and affection.  These thoughts would have lent the reasoning to name a brand of products from natural plants including Indian spices and herbs which guarantees a healthy life.  That's how the Natural dietary supplements from the India based company, Arjuna Natural Extracts Ltd (ANEL) is named 'Liv Long' with the exception of an 'e'. As the inspiration for the blessing goes, the brand building of 'Liv Long' leaves behind the success story, the determination of an aspiring mind in his youthful days.

Mr Kunjachan, as a young boy walked through dusty days braving the hot sun and pedaled in misty and rainy mornings, quenching the thirst of the news craving people dropping newspapers at door steps to earn for his purse.  Kunjachan may not be an appealing name in the modern stylish Kerala society or a name easy to capture the attention in the corporate circles. But his burning desire to innovate and invest made him a self built man leading him to handle the mantle of a very curious business of natural dietary supplements. He always wanted to be different in his own way where there are not many to run the race in his  track. As he grew to his manhood, he was longingly waiting to fulfill his dreams. And now he is the Managing Director of Arjuna Natural Extracts, one of the leading companies in India doing very focused export of Neutraceuticals.

A company started by him and his brother in law, Dr Benny in 1992, Arjuna now has around 300 employees with a composition of 40 scientists who work full time in research and monitoring clinical studies. He chose the spice industry and his affinity for the 'to-be-different-attitude' made him think about natural dietary supplements and neutraceuticals. With their products being used in more than 40 countries, Mr. P J Kunjachan has won accolades which includes National award for the successful commercialization of indigenously developed technology based production of plant based active compounds and Omega 3 Fatty acids. 

One day, the three of us travelled  to meet this great personality in his office at Alwaye. Dr P.S. Sreekantan Thampi, Deputy Director Publicity led us there on time. Amidst the criss-crossings of Alwaye, stood the impressive White building of Arjuna.  Mr Kunjachan was expecting our arrival. The chit chat started over a cup of coffee and he shared with us the story of Arjuna Natural Extracts Ltd.  It wasn't an easy road to glory. He had to overcome hurdles and hardships. There were strong competitors too.

To come up with such a new idea and to find out reliable customers abroad wasn't an easy job. In the initial days even language was a problem as he had to deal with many foreign customers. Finding a prospective market for the products in countries abroad was even more challenging.  But his attitude and the desire to succeed some how, but specifically with a focus led him all the way to glory. Kunjachan and Dr Benny shouldered the "risk" by setting up a firm that could extract mustard oil. With a sparkling glow of his youthful days he said, in those days his company was the second one  after IIF to do this in the world. 

Gradually with continuous efforts and Research & Development programmes new opportunities opened up.  To clear our doubt he explained, " Neutraceuticals are the active ingredients isolated from food or herb and given in dosage form for an array of physiological properties apart from its nutritive value.” Amlamax, Akbamax, Zepufa, organic green tea extract, Ashwamax are just a few names to be quoted from his wide variety of products. Out of this, Biocurcumin, the turmeric extract is the one that attracted our attention, turmeric being a spice. The grand success of Biocurcumax (BCM-95) and 11 international patents already awarded to ANEL, as is his company known now, is a proof of its innovating technology in the manufacturing of plant extracts and its constant effort in maximizing the pharmacological benefits of the product.

The true value of a product lies in its core.  The team of Kunjachan pierced down to the very core of many natural products like herbs and spices. The selling point of many of the herbs and spices is its intrinsic properties.  The Indian wisdom speaks of all these virtues through the classic literatures.  Though these facts are known for reference, the changing modern world insists for bare facts based on science only.  As the developed world goes in for microscopic  studies to trace out and find the structures and properties they achieve in isolating values and take credit through patents.  It is sad that the wisdom of traditional societies like India become someone else’s property.  The Kunjachan brothers anchored in to carve their position out. Without complicating much, he has its easy scientific explanations for the value of his products from various herbs and spices.  Academics combined in its right proportion for business.
Today ANEL is making every effort to identify Indian plants that are traditionally recognized as having therapeutic properties. Scientifically planned clinical researches are used to prove pharmacological value of the plant-based principles. Again, different from his counterparts in the industry, Kunjachan's company invests 15 to 16 percentage of the income on research and development activities. No wonder, they are in the forefront!

Now he also has his son with him in his industry. Taking after his father, his son too is treading the father’s path with still more vigour.  He is on a new mission to innovate further to widen the global acceptance.

Kunjachan, we feel, personifies Shiv Khera's Success Mantra "Winners don't do different things but they do things differently." The Indian Spices Industry is proud to have innovators and investors like them.

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