Thursday 7 June 2012

Curry Leaf Miracles! 

Curry leaves!! Does anyone have a feeling that the leaf, an essential part of spicing up the dishes, is insignificant in any way? If so, shed off your thoughts right now. You were living a life of ignorance. Granny was always right. Curry leaves were put in curries not as a part of mere garnishing. The leaves are rich in medicinal, nutritional and it has even cosmetic value! It can do wonders. Hey, I’m not kidding. Take a look…

  • Hair has a tendency to lose its natural colour with advancing age and turn grey, but premature greying is a morbid condition and it makes even the young look older. Include curry leaves in your daily diet. Add a teaspoon full of curry leaf paste into butter milk, stir it well before drinking. This is one of the best home remedies for the problem.
  • I don’t think anybody would have a dislike for lush, luxuriant black hair. Put some curry leaves in coconut oil and boil it. Strain the oil and let it cool down. Apply it over the scalp and give it a good massage. See the miracle it can do to your hair. Not only does it enhances hair growth, but also helps to increase the blackness of your hair.
  • Mix lime juice, honey or sugar crystals to the juice of curry leaf and drink it. This prevents nausea and dry vomiting.
  • Mix curry leaf with finely chopped ginger. Mix it with rice and take it early in the morning instead of water which will reduce dizziness, stomach disorders and constipation.
  • Have a glass of buttermilk mixed with asafoetida and curry leaves after meal for good digestion.
  • Curry leaves are anti-oxidants and protect us from various diseases cutting the risk of cancer plus lowering the risk of diabetes.
  • To combat nausea during pregnancy, consume one teaspoon of curry leaf juice extract, mixed with one teaspoon of honey, or half a teaspoon of lime juice and watch the miracles it can work!
  • Consuming curry leaves during pregnancy period will help the new born babies to have healthy and thick black hair.


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